Our Event History

The Best Dam Barbecue Challenge has humble beginnings as a 2005 local barbecue competition with just 11 competitors, but a mission to become the only place barbecue competitors and event guests would consider spending their Memorial Day Weekend…right here at beautiful Bicentennial Park in Boulder City, Nevada!  Well, something must have gone right because the size of the event more than doubled in its second year and almost tripled in its third!

The Best Dam Barbecue is held each Friday night and Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend — from 12pm to 10pm on Friday and from 9am to 4pm on Saturday.

As the size and popularity of the event grew, so did the prize purse – which now stands at $8,500 in cash and even more in prizes donated by local businesses and our generous sponsors.

More importantly than cash, prizes or trophies however…at least, to our competitors…is the fact that the Best Dam Barbecue has been designated by the State of Nevada as a “state championship” barbecue event, making it a qualifier into the Jack Daniels World Championship Invitational Barbecue – also known as “The Jack”, as well as into the American Royal World Series of Barbecue Event.  Professional Competition Teams from around the world compete throughout the year at state championships just for the opportunity to have their names entered in a lottery, the winners of which are permitted to compete at The Jack…and we’re proud to be one of the championships they enter in hopes of qualifying for The Jack!

Charitable Proceeds From Our Event

The Best Dam Barbecue Challenge is the primary fundraising event for the Rotary Club of Boulder City. With a charter date of 1937, our club is the oldest Rotary Club in Southern Nevada and we are proud that our long tradition of community service is as strong today as it was when the club began. 

Proceeds from the Best Dam Barbecue go to support a wide variety of local community organizations in Boulder City, for example:

All Boulder City Schools

This year our club has subsidized more than $7,000.00 in mini-grants to the teachers of the schools in Boulder City schools to assist with the education of our city’s youth.

Boulder City Emergency Aid

Funding for Emergency Aid, Boulder City’s local food bank and assistance office. Emergency Aid provides food and utility bill assistance to financially struggling residents and their families.

Lend A Hand of Boulder City

Funding for the continued operation of Lend A Hand of Boulder City. Lend A Hand is a local non-profit providing assistance to elderly residents of Boulder City, from in-home assistance, transportation to medical appointments or loans of medical equipment.

STEM Guitar Project at local Jr. High School

We support our middle and high school students in building a personalized guitar start to finish.

Miracle League

We partner with the Miracle League of Las Vegas is providing an all-star baseball experience to special needs children and adults.

In addition, we are proud to provide support for the following community organizations and projects, as well as the efforts made on behalf of Rotary International: